How to earn approximately 12 million in 7 hours
Requirements to Start: any level of boat; the dragon gunboat is great for new players and level 2 purchasing skill to start. As you progress, you'll get more eloquence stunt points; spend these on purchasing - you'll need level 4 purchasing further down. 1) Venice's spices
Start the quest in Venice by speaking to Massetto. On your way to Istanbul, stop at Athens and buy a Knight Cutlass from the Blacksmith (12,500 silver). Head to Alexandra and purchase 10 marble from the trader. After that find Abba Bakery at Istanbul dock and collect 10 brandy from him and give the marble to Abba Bakery. Then give Knight Cutlass to Mill (he stands not far from Abba Bakery). Finally, collect 5 spices from Abba Bakery and go back Venice and speak with Massetto to complete the quest. Keep the 10 of brandy cases which you'll need later.
Massetto (Venice) - Abba Bakery (Istanbul dock) - Alexandria Trader - Abba Bakery (Istanbul dock) - Mill (Istanbul) - Blacksmith in Athens - Mill (Istanbul) - Abba Bakery (Istanbul dock) - Massetto (Venice)
Reward: Voyage +50000, Eloquence +50000, Sea Battle +100000, Silver Coins +80000, Reputation +300, Amity in Merchant Guild +5
2) The legend of Crete Island: The proof of hero
Requires: Finish task "Venice Spices"
Mahmoud (Alexandria) - Sabrina (Alexandria) - Hussein (Alexandria) - Sabrina *Alexandria)- Mayeroff (Istanbul) - The prophet on Crete Island (village, behind a house on the right side of your screen) - Geremi (Algiers) - The prophet on Crete Island
Mahmood can be found in the square of Alexandra (enter the city, turn right and past the trader). He spawns in the daylight hours. When you initially speak with Hussein, tell him you have the navigator certificate. Ask him where the soldiers are and agree to bribe him with 500 silver.
- The second time you meet Sabrina, tell her that her son is in Istanbul. You will get a pair of boots made by her to give to her son Mayeroff.
- You will get the map of Crete from Mayeroff; keep it for a quest further down.
- Wait until the time is between 20 and 3 to head into Crete Village (the pirates are too tough for low level players)
- You will encounter pirate ships sailing to Crete beach, a dragon gunboat should get you in just
- Get the broken cutlass from Geremi. Keep talking to Geremi until you get the option to ask him about a cutlass. Deny his offers to sell you the cutlass. He will eventually give it to you for free.
- You will get a sword called "Brave Heart" to authenticate and enter Cretan Labyrinth / Double Axe Labyrinth, although authenticating this is not part of the quest, you can always do it another time.
- Give Sabrina 500 on the second times u talk to her will get Reward 1, talk to Mayeroff will get Reward 2 and finally will get Reward 3 + title.
Rewards: 1st: Reputation +500; 2nd: Voyage +30000, Eloquence +30000, Silver Coins +30000, Reputation +50; 3rd: Sea Battle +100000, Silver Coins +50000, Reputation +200
3) The struggle under Kiz Kulesi: Medicine for saving lives
Requires: Finish task "The legend of Crete Island: The proof of hero."
Nathan (Istanbul suburb)
Buy a low level healing potion from the alchemist before heading to find Nathan in the suburbs. Although you have the potion with you when you talk to him, don't give it to him right away, but tell him you will come back with one. Then talk to him again and give him the potion.
Rewards: Sea Battle +1000000, Eloquence +1000000, Voyage +1000000, Reputation +200, Amity in Ottoman Empire +5
NOTE: You will now have to wait 72 minutes before starting the next quest below:
4) The struggle under Kiz Kulesi: Money threatening lives
Nathan (Istanbul suburb) - Betty (Istanbul) - Kadeer(Istanbul) - Betty (Istanbul) - Kadeer (Istanbul) - Betty (Istanbul)
In your last conversation with Betty, she will give you Chinese China which you will need later in this overall quest.
Reward: Sea battle +1500000, Eloquence +1500000, Voyage +1500000, Reputation +250, Amity in Ottoman Empire +10, "Chinese China"
5) The carnival in Venice: Preparation
Requires: Finish tasks "Venice Spices" + "The struggle under Kiz Kulesi: Money threatening lives" (You need Chinese China to start this quest)
Massetto (Venice) - Matteuzzo (Venice) - Edward (London) - Matteuzzo(Venice) - Massetto (Venice)
- After you submit Chinese China, wait 1 day.
- When you leave London, head to Hamburg and pick up 3 cases of rum
Rewards: 1st: Reputation +100, Amity with England +5; 2nd: Eloquence +150000, Silver Coins +300000, Reputation +200, Amity in Merchant Guild +5
6) Galileo's Scientific Research: Deliver Telescope
Requires: Any of the following skills >= 10 (Sea battle, Voyage, or Eloquence)
Amity in the Merchant Guild >= 30
Amity in Kingdom of Greece >= 20
Galileo (Venice) - Pascal (Athens)
- Get 30x Astronomical Telescope from Galileo
Reward: Eloquence +1000, Silver Coins +50000, Reputation +80
[ Last edited by CRAPPYJAZZ at 2008-5-30 07:27 ]
NOTE: After giving the telescope to Pascal, you must wait 24 minutes before speaking to him again to start the next quest below. While waiting, you can gather the trader goods required for Quest No. 8, which are: 5 cases of Beer (Beirut); 10 cases of Brandy (if you followed this guide, you already have it) (Istanbul); 3 cases of Rum (Hamburg) (if you followed this guide, you already have it); 7 cases of Whiskey (Venice). Don't worry if you cannot carry all the goods at once, you can submit them separately.
7) Galileo's Scientific Research: A letter to Galileo
Requires: Finish task "Galileo's Scientific Research: Deliver Telescope"
Pascal (Athens) - Galileo (Venice)
Reward: Voyage +50000, Silver Coins +40000, Reputation +80
8) The carnival in Venice: Importing
Requires: "The carnival in Venice: Preparation"
Massetto(Venice) - Massetto(Venice)
- Need: 3 cases of Rum (Hamburg), 7 cases of whiskey (Venice), 10 cases of brandy (Istanbul) and 5 cases of beer (Beirut)
- You will get Carnival Invitation - need it to do "The Treasure of Genghis Khan: Clue."
Reward: Voyage +1000000, Silver Coins +600000, Reputation +500
9) Quest No. 9 The previous guide is confusing here. Go to Quest 10, but when you get to Tyrano Bishop, start a second conversation with him to begin Quest 10.
10) Comprehensive war of Europe: Mediation
Requires: Finish task "The carnival in Venice: Importing" + "Galileo's Scientific Research"
Galileo (Venice) - Elizabeth (London) - Tyrano Bishop (Genoa)
- With Choice A, you will start Comprehensive war of Europe: Alliance.
- With Choice B, you will start Comprehensive war of Europe: Prepare for war.
Reward: Choice A: see below; Choice B: Eloquence +500000, Voyage +500000, Silver Coins +500000, Reputation +300
This revised guide will continue under the premise that the player has chosen Choice B, in support of Spain. The other route is difficult for new players and would require higher level purchasing skills (level 10). For players who wish to run the quest with Choice A, please refer to the original guide.
11) Comprehensive war of Europe - Prepare for war
WARNING CLOSES "Comprehensive War of Europe:Alliance"
Requires: Finish task "Comprehensive war of Europe: Mediation"
Boucheron (Barcelona) - Wait 3 game-days - Boucheron (Barcelona)
Sea Battle +1800000, Eloquence +1800000, Silver Coins +1000000, Reputation +200
- Find Boucheron near the Guild Manager - he spawns near the fountain at about 9 a.m. game time
NOTE: Before starting Quest No. 12, you'll need to wait 72 minutes. During this time, go to Hamburg to by 50 Hurricane Cannons (1250000 Silver) which are needed for the next quest.
12) Comprehensive war of Europe: Treasure (Spain)
Requires: Finish task "Comprehensive war of Europe: Prepare for war"
Talk to Boucheron (Barcelona) - Fayard (Barcelona)
Rewards: 1st: Sea Battle +1800000, Eloquence +1800000, Silver Coins +1000000,
Reputation +200; 2nd: Silver Coins +3000000, Reputation +500, Amity in the Kingdom of Spain +20, Amity in the Kingdom of England -5, Title “Dragon Knightâ€; 3rd: Voyage +1000000, Sea Battle +1000000, Silver Coins +1000000
13) The Treasure of Genghis Khan: Clue
Requires: Finish task "Comprehensive war of Europe: Treasure" and the Carnival Invitation you got from "The carnival in Venice: Importing"
Nathan (Istanbul suburb) - Kadeer (Istanbul) - Abba Bakery (Istanbul dock)
Reward: Sea battle +600000, Eloquence +600000, Voyage +600000
14) The Treasure of Genghis Khan: Search
Requires: Finish task "The Treasure of Genghis Khan: Clue"; Need Map of Crete Island from: "The legend of Crete Island: The proof of hero"; 1.2 million silver to buy the Paladin Sword
Artes (Alexandria) - The prophet on Crete Island (village, behind a house on the right side of your screen) - Ye Du(Corsica Island - Tavern) - Coceres(Amsterdam) - Harold(Oslo) - Coceres(Amsterdam) - Ye Du(Corsica Island - Tavern)
- Artes will tell you to look for Sabrina; ignore that and continue on to Crete Island
- Need to have Paladin Sword (Reykjavik Blacksmith) with you before talking to Harold.
- The second time you talk to Coceres, he will reward you Reward A + Level 84 gun (revolver).
- The second time you talk to Ye Du to finish the quest, he will reward you Reward B.
- Title gained: "Golden Kesig"
- You will get the Brotherliness Bead
Reward: 1st: Silver Coins +100000, Reputation +100, Amity in the Dutch Republic +20; 2nd: Sea Battle +5800000, Eloquence +5800000, Voyage +5800000, Silver Coins +2000000
With the Brotherliness Bead, head to Barcelona and speak with Boucheron again. Turn traitor on your "brother" Ye Du.
Reward: 2500000 silver; -900 reputation, Amity with the Kingdom of Spain +20
Now head to see Drake in London, and again turn traitor on Ye Du again.
Reward: 2500000 silver; -900 reputation, Amity with the Kingdom of England +20
That's it. Total payout is 14770000 but net will be approximately 12000000 after buying the Palladin Sword and Hurricane Cannons.
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